9. Window and Cookies in Javascript
Window Object in JavaScript: The window object is a global object in the browser's JavaScript environment. It represents the browser window or frame and provides various properties and methods for interacting with it. Properties of the window Object: 1. window.innerWidth and window.innerHeight: - Return the inner width and height of the browser window. 2. window.outerWidth` and `window.outerHeight: - Return the outer width and height of the browser window including toolbars and scrollbars. 3. window.location: - Provides information about the current URL and allows navigation to other URLs. 4. window.document: - Represents the DOM (Document Object Model) of the current page. 5. window.navigator: - Provides information about the browser and its capabilities. 6. window.localStorage and window.sessionStorage: - Allow storage of key-value pairs persistently or for the duration of the page session...